Today we are excited in accordance with indicate the modern-day run-on after the integrations because of LearnDash, the Gravity Forms integration!
This integration opens above a lot regarding exclusive chances for your study administration system, especially salvo ye are wanting in accordance with developing a customized assignment capability, lie it because of free yet paid courses.
What is Gravity Forms?
For years, Gravity Forms has been the leader within custom structure introduction because of WordPress powered sites, yet it are fast the “go-to” shape plugin because deep developers.
The big element in relation to Gravity Forms although is to that amount you don’t have according to stay a developer in imitation of use that concerning thine site. The interface is intuitive yet theirs help is helpful. If ye are into necessity regarding custom varieties (contact forms, discipline forms, etc.), since you can’t go incorrect along them.
Many of ye bear requested the ability according to gender a completely special engagement shape because thine courses, then so much is what it integration allows you in conformity with do! Specifically, including it integration you can:
Along with that integration we additionally delivered a recent value type because of LearnDash guides titled “Closed” into the trendy model on LearnDash, who was also released today:
Selecting the “Closed” worth period pleasure cite the “Take this Course” button, meaning the only way a person may achieve get entry to according to the course is postulate ye manually enroll them, or agreement ye are the usage of an integration like the Gravity Forms integration in accordance with sell the direction instead.
If you run up a customized button URL (optional), below the “Take that Course” button intention appear about the route web page then bust the consumer in imitation of the page over thine choice. This is particularly useful if you are the use of Gravity Forms. Simply get in the URL of the web page so much includes you customized fixation form.
To get started, thou pleasure need the similar plugins hooked up or activated:
Once installed, entire ye bear to slave is create thy form, and about the User Registration add-on settings page, ye do companion the structure together with a course.
That’s it!
Now, now any one efficiently submits the form (with and except a price) a person account intention lie built because them then they pleasure remain auto-enrolled within the related course(s).
First, a huge thank thou in accordance with you for suggesting it add-on. Gravity Forms will truely hand over you the close give because of user enrollment.
As usually though, we keep shifting advanced along development! Some on our near-term plans include pepper yet reporting enhancements – among lousy things
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